I’ve always loved New Years’. The ideology behind the ultimate “new beginning.” People, myself included, come up with these ‘new year resolutions’ that (let’s be honest) only stick around for a few weeks if we’re lucky. We all say cliche things, like “new year, new me,” when really it’s a new year, but same ol’ you.
This year, I said, “new year, new me,” and all I got was bangs.
I’m not dissing on these sayings or people who believe in them… because I’m right there with you. The hopeful look in your eye that this year will be different. Maybe it will be, who knows. But I think sometimes; we do so much looking ahead at the new year, we forget to be grateful for what the past year has brought us. In this case, what the decade has brought us.
How much could really change in 10 years?
The answer is a lot.
When we’re kids, time goes by sooo slow, all we want to do is grow up and have our own life… then by the time we are older, all we want is to be a little kid again.
As kids, we think we know what an adult being is all about until we are one and hard times hit, and you realize you have no idea; but you gotta figure it out anyways. That’s really what being an adult is… just figuring things out as you go. This decade brought me many challenges, such as: graduating high school, moving to Indy for college, having a partner who left me with a $1200 rent overnight, having to move back home after I couldn’t find a job — but mostly it’s death.
Death is one of the biggest curveballs the universe can throw, and man does it hits like a brick every. single. time?
With losing my dad in 2016, I have been trying to be more present and grateful in my life. These last ten years have been monumental in the grand scheme of my life up to this point. This decade held my high school and college graduations, the loss of a parent, a college friend, and many other close family members, and then finally introducing me to just as many people.
I’m grateful for all the support and love I had received from my friends when I needed it most. They are my biggest *best* of this decade. Without them and their courage to tell me like it is, I may not have even made it to 2020. I am very grateful and can’t think of anything bigger than my support system.
What has the 2010’s really brought us?
Uh, just thinking back on all the entertainment, trends, and movements that hit during the 10’s has me excited to see what the ’20s have in store.
Sometimes what we watch changes us.
This decade has brought us so many good and impactful films for various reasons. Critics didn’t give some films the credit they deserved, and many got credit where credit was due.
I think back to all the films and shows I’ve watched over the years, and so many come to mind, it’s hard to pick just twenty, let alone ten. So I challenge myself only to pick three. I feel the three that impacted me, made me think about life, left me in tears, and wanted more.
My picks for “Best of the Decade” movies:
As people are Star Wars nerds, I’m a Blade Runner nerd. Finding out there was going to be another gave me absolute life.
‘Call Me By Your Name’ left me in tears in what I consider one of the best ending scenes of all time. Elio. Oliver.
Being a massive horror buff, ‘Get Out’ did not go unnoticed. It is one of the best horror movies of the decade.
My picks for “Best of the Decade” shows:
Being a Bryan Fuller fan, I couldn’t miss his adaptation of Hannibal. It did not disappoint.
Super underrated show. Every episode left me in tears and gave me life and hope for a peaceful world.
What a throwback this show was. I was born in the ’90s, but I was raised on everything that this show is about.
Can the 20’s measure up?
I firmly believe in manifestation.
If you don’t want your next decade to measure up, then it won’t. You will sabotage yourself by putting negativity into the universe. I strive to make 2020 and the rest of the decade worth my time and worth the growth that it will bring. What the 2010s have brought us is a new beginning for the next decade. All the revolutions, the movements, the goals, the intentions, and the growth were just the beginning of something far bigger.
I hope that everyone has a great New Year and an amazing next decade. Set intentions, set goals, kick-ass, and boss up.
2020 is your year.